Metallica Setlists

Please note that some songs' statistics may still be incorrect.
For the time being, the list of shows where the song was performed as well as its play count are only informative.
I'm hard at work improving accuracy.

The Mechanics

Play count: 29

04/23/1982Costa Mesa, CA
05/25/1982Costa Mesa, CA
06/05/1982Anaheim, CA
06/26/1982Costa Mesa, CA
07/03/1982Costa Mesa, CA
07/05/1982Hollywood, CA
07/15/1982Dana Point, CA
07/31/1982Huntington Beach, CA
08/02/1982Hollywood, CA
08/04/1982Hollywood, CA
08/07/1982Long Beach, CA
08/18/1982Hollywood, CA
08/20/1982Anaheim, CA
08/27/1982Hollywood, CA
08/29/1982North Hollywood, CA
09/18/1982San Francisco, CA
10/01/1982Anaheim, CA
10/18/1982San Francisco, CA
10/22/1982Anaheim, CA
10/23/1982Fullerton, CA
11/11/1982Anaheim, CA
11/25/1982Hollywood, CA
11/29/1982San Francisco, CA
11/30/1982San Francisco, CA
03/05/1983San Francisco, CA
03/19/1983San Francisco, CA
04/08/1983Staten Island, NY
04/09/1983Brooklyn, NY
04/16/1983Dover, NJ

Created by: Michal Stankoviansky